
Talebox explanation v8

For this reddit reply.

I really appreciate the humor and you taking the time to read over and reply. Ok... I'll try to explain it differently.

The Product

The product would be Talebox, a box (a raspberry pi with a hat attached that adds leds for status and two radios) + sensor/actuator nodes:

This is my idea for the box (HQ) ^. The currely working version is below V

This working node above ^ controls the light to my fish tank.

The Raspberry PI is running a collection of services (software) that can be accessed even offline, because this would be in your house. I have a public version of that software running on talebox.dev, for people to test out.

I created the software + radios + nodes + pi hat that would make this a reality, but like I said I'm trying to find a use for it that an average consumer would be appealed by, because at the end of the day I'm a programmer, and most, like you, have no idea what it even is. So I sorely need, a way to explain IT (whatever it ends up being) better.

The functions

Controling an array of sensors and actuators around your house would be the most appealing thing I think for hobbyist and hackers, because I'm a hobbyist myself and I've always found this incredibly hard to figure out.

Aside from that the nodes would be really cheap like (<$10) and they work with an AA battery for months so you could deploy a good amount to say, record the temp in your pantry, or turn on a light, or capture the humidity of your plant outside. There's just so many possibilities.

Aside from that what started the project was being able to do this (here on Chunk), write notes and have them available from every device, without using a heavy app like Keep or it being in someone else's cloud. It ended up being simpler, more expressive and powerful, while being light and fast, and now I can basically make link-only webpages from the comfort of a notes app, with even optimized-to-screen-size media.


At this point I've been doing things from the bottom up, because they were cool, and to see if they were possible, and I'm impressed, because they are.

Right now thought I need an idea, a product, something specific that people would want so I can start doing things from top down focusing on something.

I just feel like i have something really cool in my hands that someone somewhere would find useful if I was to focus on the right angle and/or use case.