
Product 0.1

So what would set this box apart:

We have the basics of this core methodology but there's still a lot of FLESHing out to do to reach em. I wanna feel like I've explored all the options for every feature AND for every use case. To make sure I'm tackling the most important and simplest to implement problems first.

One thing I've been thinking about is being able to discover other boxes nearby, but what would that do exactly, show you the broadcast username of another box? And then what, being able to see their shared chunks? shared sensors? If so these boxes have to be personal, which they SHOULD BE, it's Talebox (your story), that's what this should focus on. It should be something that's YOURS and everlasting, regardless of updates or support on my end, like the OP1. People value that stuff highly, look at the price of the old OP1 even after it's been unmaintained for years, metal frame, you can feel it's durability just by holding it. This should be something that provides so much value that you can carry it around everywhere and place it anywhere, as long as it has some sunlight it'll work.

So far I'm envisioning a permium device JIKES, jikes because that's a pain to manufature and price + development time will jump substancially. Finding people to help me is gonna be a pain... damn. But it is what I want since this should be YOURS, wouldn't want this thing that holds all your data to look/feel cheap, regardless of whatever nice UI it has.

Either way we still haven't figured out WHY people would use this? Is there already a market for this type of thing, not really except for markets for every different slepau I'm building, but there's been nothing offline capable of this sort made before. I guess people already have their own Talebox (their phones), but phones are optimized as client devices, and extremely cloud dependant, and people change them every few years when the batteries hit the ground or the OS phases out the phone (like Apple, and possibly Google). This would basically be your hackable standalone server, which sounds AWESOME (to me at least). Basically a supercharged RaspberryPI.